

(1) Lead as our Lord would lead! (See II Timothy 2:23-26.)

(2) The leader reads the lesson title, section title, and then the section question. Next, all take turns reading all the Scriptures and footnotes for each section. (Call for volunteers to read.) Then have each member answer the question at the end of the section. Do the same for each section.

(3) Leaders lead! Talk little! Read little!

(4) Start on time. Cover the material. End on time.

(5) A must: Be committed to confidentiality in your group!

(6) Be accountable to each other. Always ask the questions at the beginning and bottom of the page.

(7) Leave time near the end of the meeting for each member to take notes of prayer requests and to pray for each other. Also, remember each week to pray for your pastor.

(8) A day or two before the meeting remind members of the meeting by texting (best), email, or phone.

(9) Explain that we use the Life Application Bible (any version) for our text and that “fn” stands for footnote.

(10) Time is short. Do not bring extra material!

(11) For new groups or new members, do not force the members to read. Ask for volunteers, even in prayer time.

(12) Encourage each member to do his preparation!

(13) Start a new group! If needed, ask your pastor for names of good prospects to join a group for men or women or a mixed group.

(14) Develop chemistry! Be yourself. Be vulnerable.

(15) Before the meeting, do your preparation and pray for your

(16) Emphasize the message, not the messenger!

(17) Rotate leaders. When appropriate, encourage members to pray about volunteering to lead.


We use the Life Application Study Bible as our text. Application is putting into practice what we already know. The footnotes (fn) in this Bible not only give knowledge and understanding, but they also point to application. Many versions are available. However, most people prefer the large print version. It may be ordered from Christian Book Publishers at 1-800-247-4784 or online.

New Covenant Presbyterian Church (EPC) in Mandeville, Louisiana has a member with a ministry of going online and buying used Application Study Bibles and donating them to new Team Discipleship groups. You may have someone in your church that would volunteer to do that for new groups.